anatomy of a flame

“With ‘Anatomy of a Flame,’ we enter the small embers of existence to the wildfire of life. No leaf is left unturned, no heartbeat unheard. The willingness of bloodletting experienced throughout this book is both painful and soothing.

A coming-of-age cadence sings throughout its pages. A becoming and a stillness of being. We are lovingly lead through the corridors of a life that resembles our own.

This collection reminds us that we are not alone; that life is a series of events that we can either wilt from, or become inflamed by.” Ingrid Calderon-Collins, Founding Editor of Resurrection Mag

Released July 2023
Los Angeles Poet Society Press

Debut Novel Out Now

“Each of Soul on Fire’s poems in Anatomy of a Fire masterfully measures out heat, knowing that embers, placed correctly, are cool enough to walk on, especially in the familiar places like family and childhood, but he blazes across the globe while always at the intersection between Colombia and America, singeing if not outright burning larger structures like masculinity and race while tending mental health as it smolders, smoky and hot. He knows how to turn the coals at the right moment. In here, the flame glows around the places Soul on Fire heals and rages in the spaces that need to be burned away. His healing is ours. His flares are ours, too.”

— Christian Hanz Lozada, author of He’s a Color Until He’s Not

“Soul on Fire is a poet of destiny. His pen captures the beauty of Colombia, the grit of Jersey and vice versa. His voice is both unapologetic and thought provoking. Like Jacob he wrestled with an angel and maybe a few demons. Grinding and purging the truth that is etched in his soul. All questions are not coupled with privies, but they can be deeply examined in the alchemical process found in Anatomy of a Flame.”

— Tommy Domino, author of Switches, Hot Wheel Tracks & Extension Cords

Author Statement

I use writing to tell stories. I truly believe we can use our gifts and skills for something greater than ourselves. If it’s connection, or the lofty goal of healing this broken world, I’ll continue to write until the world changes.

My vision is to make art accessible and welcome to all.